Water Compliance Services (WCS) provides a complete portfolio of water system assessment and management services, support and training

Making sense of complex Water Regulations

We turn complex and demanding Water Regulations into clear and simple procedures. By providing all the services and guidance you need, we enable you, your users, customers and your organisation to stay safe and compliant.

Experience and expertise you can trust

Organisations of all sizes and sectors, from across the UK, trust our highly skilled and professional engineers. We are experts in every aspect of water treatment, legionella control and water compliance.

Recognised standards that assure compliance and safety

All our work conforms strictly to the most up-to-date regulations and legislation. You also receive all the reports and vital certification documents that you need to satisfy meticulous HSE inspections.

A friendly, helpful and comprehensive service

From legionella risk assessment to full protection and maintenance packages, WCS gives you a friendly, helpful and tailored service. You receive all the expert support you need and outstanding value for money.

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Experts in legionella protection, water treatment and water regulations

Legionella Services


Why does legionella matter?

Water is life's ultimate essential, fundamental to our daily lives, wellbeing and businesses. Yet wherever there is water + warmth + any source of residue or contamination, the deadly legionella bacterium thrives. Anyone breathing in infected water droplets from the air can contract the potentially fatal Legionnaires' Disease. If you own or control premises, the law requires you to assess and manage the risks associated with legionella.

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Water Treatment

Water Treatment services from Water Compliance Solutions

We are Water Treatment Specialists

Water treatment of closed water systems is a legal essential and an economic advantage. There are numerous legislative requirements relating to closed water systems such as heating and chilled water supply. We ensure water safety and compliance in relation to BSRIA documentation, BG/29, BG/50 and British Standards BS7593 and BS8552. Closed water systems are prone to attack from slime form bacteria and the effects of scale and corrosion. By using the correct biocide, scale and corrosion inhibitors heating and chilled water systems can remain efficient for longer which saves on energy and repairs while remaining safe to use.

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Water Regulations


We help you stay safe and compliant

Water Regulations are legal requirements to protect the public from contaminated water. We understand that water regulations can be lengthy and complex procedures and as your water compliance specialists we take the hassle out of your legal obligations, ensuring you are fully compliant. We do full cost-effective checks and provide accredited certifications. Find out more today.

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We are fully accredited to undertake all our service areas

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Proud to help my local Scout Group

Running a business means we don't get a lot of time to give back. We all get busy !! It's hard to stop when the phone keeps going, LCA audits 😫 or a client wants a report, yesterday 😅. I've always tried to take a break, not only for my…

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Complying with BSRIA BG/2: Balancing and Commissioning of Water Systems

Are your water systems as safe, energy and carbon efficient as they should be? What is balancing of a water system? In order for a water system to run as effectively as possible, while being as safe, energy and carbon efficient as possible, its distribution and components need to be…

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A quick treatment guide to closed water systems

Closed heating and cooling systems   Closed heating and cooling systems are susceptible to three primary issues: microbiological fouling (biofouling), corrosion and scale. Biofouling or the build-up of a variety of bacteria within a closed water system can not only lead to dangerously high concentrations of Legionella or Pseudomonas (these…

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